
Indentation And Cutting Requirements Of The Blister Packing
Indentation And Cutting Requirements Of The Blister Packing
As the 2025 year approaches, "Made in China" will gradually move near to the direction of "Made in China". Our country's requirements about the production industry have gradually shifted from the pursuit of the quantity to the quality. So the current laws of our country have made the more and more strict restrictions on product packing, especially the packing of the medicines, and put forward the stricter requirements on the labeling and packing of the medicine packing. The blister packing machine for pharmaceutical industry standard clearly the requires that the blister packing machines must support the device for printing batch numbers.
The aluminum plastic blister packing machine generally uses the punch molding method for batch number printing. The batch number printing of Rich Packing’s blistering machine can be carried out in a separate station, or in the same station of the heat sealing or indentation design according to the user’s customized requirements.
For the convenience of the end-users, our blistering machine automatic can punch easily cracked fractures on a piece of the blister board, which is called "indentation" in the machinery industry. The users can easily split the blister board into the number of small pieces by the gently breaking it by hand, so that each of small piece is the amount of medicines taken once.
The cutting or punching in the same way refers to punching the sealed strip blister pack into the customized size (the size of a piece of the blister board).
Purpose in order to save the packing materials used in blistering production, the users of the machine hopes that both sides of the longitudinal or the transverse cutter are the parts required for each piece of packing. So the blister machine should minimize the blanking margin, because the blanking margin cannot be reused but can only be discarded. The newly-designed blanking working station of Rich Packing blister packing machine can save over 37% more packing materials than other counterparts, so can produce 56% more blister boards from the same packing materials.