
Operation Confirmation Of Aluminum-plastic Packaging Machine
Objective: To verify the reliability of various technical indexes of all parts and equipment of automatic blister packaging machine in no-load operation.
Confirm the applicability of sOPS for automatic blister packing machine.
According to the operation SOP of the aluminum-plastic blister packaging machine, the equipment runs normally, indicating that the operation rules are applicable to the equipment.
The main technical parameters and packaging quality are confirmed by no-load compression seal test using corresponding aluminum foil, PVC or PVDC.
1 After the automatic aluminum plastic packaging machine is powered on, confirm that the indicator light of the equipment control box is normal, the button is sensitive and the action is reliable.
2 flat type bubble cover machine no-load operation is smooth, normal operation process, no abnormal noise, no overload heating phenomenon of the motor.
3 The flat-plate blister packaging machine is heated continuously for 20 ~ 30 minutes. The temperature of each heating station of the equipment is measured with a standard thermometer to see whether the temperature reaches the temperature value set by the temperature control meter. The temperature control accuracy should be within ±3℃.
4 Check whether the cooling plate is well cooled. The cooled aluminum-plastic bubble cover temperature measured by standard thermometer should be less than 40℃.
5 Plate type aluminum plastic packaging machine, the distance between the heat and forming station is adjustable. Adjusting the tensioning wheel on the left can adjust the distance between the thermo-bonding station and the forming station, so as to ensure no bubble pressing and cutting.
6 Adjust the feed stroke can effectively adjust the cutting plate length.
7. Whether the position of plate type limit guide rail before and after cutting station and crushing line station can control the size and size of aluminum plastic plate after cutting.
8. Automatic flat-plate bubble cover machine adjusts the heating temperature of upper and lower pre-heating plates and hot sealing plates, and whether the pressure of butterfly ring in the hot sealing station can control the depth of aluminum plastic hot sealing network. Visual inspection: plastic sheet and aluminum foil composite should be tight, smooth, clear mesh, not wrinkle. Do not allow the phenomenon of mesh compression. Separation of aluminum foil from plastic sheet at corners is not allowed.
9 automatic flat-plate blister packing sealing performance: the sample should be kept for 30 seconds under the vacuum of 80±13kPa, and no liquid should infiltrate into the blister.
Aluminum-plastic bubble type: the bubble type is straight and straight, without leaking or deflating bubble. Plastic bubble cover should be complete, smooth, crisp.
11 aluminum plate cutting should be neat, no burr edge. Test with vernier caliper (precision 0.02mm) : the thickness of the thinnest plastic bubble cover should be ≥0.05mm, the allowable deviation of the plate length is ±0.5mm, the allowable deviation of the plate width is ±0.5mm, the minimum distance between the bubble cover should be ≥2.5mm, the minimum distance between the bubble cover and the plate edge should be ≥2.5mm, the minimum distance between the bubble cover and the fracture line should be ≥2.5mm.
Batch number 12 is clearly and neatly printed.
13. Confirm that the maximum punching times of automatic flat type aluminum foam cover packing machine meet the requirements of the manual and can run stably.
14 Check whether the emergency stop switch and other safety devices work reliably.
15 ensure that the noise of the device running is less than 75db. The noise tester shall be measured at a distance of 3 meters from the equipment.