
Adjustment Skills That Need To Be Understood In The Use Of Tablet Presses
Adjustment Skills That Need To Be Understood In The Use Of Tablet Presses
Taking traditional Chinese medicine in the past was a torment for patients. The birth of the tablet press machine not only changed the status of traditional Chinese medicine from the appearance, but also changed the status of traditional Chinese medicine from the essence, making Chinese medicine tablets an ideal choice for people to see a doctor. Traditional Chinese medicine tablets have the advantages of accurate dosage, stable quality, easy to carry, convenient to take, etc., and are widely used clinically. But how much do you know about the adjustment skills of tablet dosage in the use of tablet press machine?
1. Dose control principle of tablet press machine
The way to adjust the weight and shape of the tablet is to adjust the depth of the lower punch into the die hole to change the actual height, thereby changing the shape and weight of the tablet.
2. Control the hardness and thickness of the tablet
There is a height gauge in the adjustment die ring, and the thickness and hardness of the tablet can be reached by adjusting the height.
3. Adjust tablet weight of tablet press machine
The pressure sensor installed at the bottom of the pressure wheel can sense the force transmitted by the interaction between the punch and the pressure wheel.